Table of Contents

🧾 Description

DHT File Sharing System is a decentralized system that allows users to share and search for files across a network of peers. This type of system is highly scalable and fault-tolerant, as the storage and retrieval of files are distributed across multiple nodes rather than relying on a single centralized server.

The system is built on top of an routing protocol that supports efficient intra-domain routing using either Link State(OSPF) or Distance Vector(RIP) protocols. These protocols help to ensure that the routing of data across the network is done in the most efficient way possible, reducing the time it takes to locate and access files.

The peer-to-peer distributed hash table (Chord) is used as an overlay network to enable efficient file sharing and searching. Lookup times are reduced using consistent hashing and a finger table. Finger table allows for the quick and efficient lookup of files in the system.

✨ Features

  • ✅ Extended network simualtor to support effient intra-domain routing protocols (Link State & Distance Vector)
  • ✅ Implemented a peer-to-peer distributed hash table(Chord) built as an overlay network on top of our extended routing protocol
  • ✅ Reduced lookup time by using consistent hashing & finger table
  • ✅ Implemented a decentralized file search engine that run over of the Chord.

🔨 Built with

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